Powder House Pass Community Center

Powder House Pass Community Center

Located in the northern Black Hills just 5 miles south of Lead, the Powder House Pass subdivision offers secluded yet very accessible housing to enjoy the many outdoor activities in this area. Many full time and part time residents have selected this location to build homes for these activities. To help provide a focal point for the subdivision, the Owners selected Ainsworth Benning to construct a Community Center that would be visible from Highway 85 to allow potential home buyers a location to look at the layout of the subdivision and also a central location for the existing homeowners to gather and have community activities.

This facility includes an outdoor swimming pool and heated concrete deck along with offices and meeting rooms for residents use. The 5,000 sf project was designed by Stone Group Architects and constructed by Ainsworth Benning. Although weather in the Black Hills is a concern during construction the center was started in Sept 1, 2017 and completed on September 1, 2018.



  • Office and Commercial


  • Ainsworth-Benning Construction


  • In Progress


  • Powder House Pass Community Center


  • 5 Miles South of Lead, SD

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